DEC112 System Status

DEC112-Services are tightly monitored by automated tests.
This page will be updated automatically as soon as the availability of services changes.

For more information about DEC112 visit

All systems are operational

Past Incidents

9th April 2024

No incidents reported

8th April 2024

No incidents reported

7th April 2024

No incidents reported

6th April 2024

No incidents reported

5th April 2024

No incidents reported

4th April 2024

Rescue Austria | Vorarlberg DEC112 Rescue Vorarlberg was experiencing problems.

The service is back to normal operation.

3rd April 2024

Rescue Austria | Vorarlberg Rettungs-Notrufe in Vorarlberg werden derzeit umgeleitet

Aufgrund interner Tests sind Rettungs-Notrufe in Vorarlberg derzeit nicht erreichbar. Alle Notrufe in Vorarlberg werden zu einer anderen Leitstelle weitergeleitet.

Alle Notrufe sind uneingeschränkt verfügbar.

Due to internal tests, emergency rescue calls in Vorarlberg are currently unavailable. All emergency calls in Vorarlberg are being forwarded to another control center.

All emergency calls are available without restrictions.